Monday, August 17, 2015

Heroes In the Gospel

   Last Fast and Testimony Sunday, a sister who was visiting in Dartmouth Ward commented in her testimony that she saw so many "Heroes in the Gospel" here in the Maritimes, converts who had the courage to join the church, often going against friends and families to do so, and many single women who came faithfully to church every week on their own. There are   many situations that require courage and strength to face, no matter where you live. This Sister  said that where she was from, some of the church members had less adversity in their lives than many people here, BUT they were also less welcoming and kind to each other --- I do not know if that is 100 % true or not, but that is what she had experienced. That is  an interesting insight --- it made me think!

Here are some of the wonderful single sisters that we have come to Know and Love. We went out for a "Sisters luncheon" one Tuesday and had the best visit. As we sat and shared and listened,  we all realized more fully what the others were dealing with in their lives,  and felt bouyed up and strengthened by each other.

Here is a picture of President Pratt  and the Elders in PEI.
They are going street contacting together during a recent road trip that we did --- President said that he felt like he failed miserably at  street contacting!!  It is not an easy thing to do, to go up to complete strangers and talk about religion! Don't we all feel like President sometimes, that we are just not doing as well as we had hoped. Some advice that I heard a while in our of meetings comes to my mind.

It is the words of Winston Churchhill. When it seemed like the war was going against England and that there was no way they would ever win, it seemed hopeless, but he did not quit.  He said,
 "Never give Up! Never, ever, ever give up!"
And they did not give up ----- and the tide of the war changed and they were eventually victorious!
There is powerful lesson in that.

These Young Missionaries are also "Heroes in the Gospel" to us-- they go out of their comfort zone daily and they are being challenged in many ways, yet they are rising to the challenge and making a difference throughout the world. We love them!

This is Elder McNabb and Elder Craig. 
They were in Dartmouth one P-day and called us up to see if Elder Harding could come and play Basketball with the group!  Gotta have balance in your life, gotta have fun on the journey !

We love the Lord, we are learning tons, and we see the Lords hand in our lives, daily!

Love to you all and may you know that you are a Hero in someones life as you stay the course,  and never give up!

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